It's possible to use an incident lightmeter (the one with the ball) and convert the photography readings to footcandles.
Set the lightmeter to one second exposure, ASA 400. f16 on the lightmeter is roughly 16 footcandles. Convert up
and down from there.
f2.0 -- 0.25 fc
f2.8 -- 0.5 fc
f4.0 -- 1 fc
f5.6 -- 2 fc
f8.0 -- 4 fc
f11 -- 8 fc
f16 -- 16 fc
f22 -- 32 fc
f32 -- 65 fc
Another reference point is bright sunlight which is about 8,000 to 9,000 foot candles and takes 1/100 sec at f16 with 100 ASA film.